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Our pigs are Animal Welfare Approved by A Greener World, raised on pasture and in forest (eat the forest, pigs!) for their entire lives, all year round, so they’ve never seen the inside of a barn. The pigs are fed a corn-free, soy-free, non-GMO, organic feed, on which they grow for 7-9 months to a finishing weight of 200-300 lbs.
This is the traditional cut of bacon, thick-ish slices of smoked and cured belly. Also called American bacon and...
Once upon a time, the Canadians had a great idea. They took boneless pork chops, cured them, smoked them, sliced them...
A boneless pork butt cured, netted, then smoked. It binds together when smoked, then sliced thin like Canadian bacon....
Cubed pieces of bacon. Perfect for stews, beans, soups, and as toppings to baked potatoes or heavy green salads.
Made from the cheek of the pig. Jowl fat is thought by many to be the highest-quality fat on a pig.
This is the modern version of salt pork: cut off a chunk of this, heat it in a pan for a few minutes, and then add...
A cross between bacon, ham, and pork chop but different from all three. Definitely worth a try.
Bone-in, skin-on, and smoked, these offer incredible flavor to soups, stews, and pots of beans.